United Kingdom, Royal Navy Ratings’ Service Records, 1853-1928
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United Kingdom, Royal Navy Ratings’ Service Records, 1853-1928
803,683 records
<p>This collection is an index of over 800,000 Royal Navy service records for ratings who entered the service between 1853 and 1928. A rate or rating is a junior enlisted member who is not a warrant officer or commissioned officer. The information in this index can include the following: given name and surname of the individual, year of birth, town of birth, official service number, and years of service.</p><br><p>The content in this collection originates from <a href="https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/" target="blank">The National Archives</a> and contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.</p><br><br><p>An individual must have enlisted before 1929 to have a record within this collection. Some of the records cover periods of service up to at least 1950. Included in this collection are continuous service engagement books from 1853 to 1872, registers of seamen’s services from 1873 to 1924, registers of seamen’s services from 1925-1928, and continuous record (CR) cards from 1929-1950. A record may indicate that the rating was promoted to warrant officer.</p><br><p>The original records may contain the names of ships served on, with dates of joining and discharge from each ship, period of time actually served, any engagements not completed and the reason for noncompletion, service numbers (CS) up to 1872, and official numbers (ON) from 1873 onwards. Beginning in 1892 greater detail is included in the records, such as: occupation, good conduct badges issued, notes made about character and ability, physical appearance, wounds suffered, and date of death (if occurred in service).</p>